Friday, May 30, 2008

Miss Us??

Hey all! We have been so busy the last month that I haven't updated for a while. Things have been going well. I have been trying to get into a groove after Millie's arrival and having four kids now. Also, waiting for my hormones to settle down has been interesting, to say the least. My sweet husband is so patient! I am relieved to say we are finally into the swing of things.

Here's what we've been up to all month:

Little Millie was blessed by her Daddy on May 4th at our ward in Lehi. He gave her such a perfect blessing to get her started off in life. All our family and loved ones showed up for her special day. We had lots of fun eating afterwards and visiting. We are such proud parents!

Bridger lost another tooth and is now missing both front teeth (and then some!). It's finally his turn to be toothless! He is growing too fast!

I have to say I am the luckiest Wife and Mom on the planet! I was spoiled rotton on Mother's Day with breakfast (nice and early as you can see), lots of homemade cards, rollerblades, and a manicure and pedicure. Not to mention all the wonderful hugs and kisses and the feeling of being a "Queen-for-a-day"! My Dave is too good to me!

Ta-da!! Little Miss Emma had her very first gymnastics meet! It was seriously too cute. All the little three and four year olds came marching in like elephants from "Jungle Book" and took turns showing us their moves on the balance beam, bars, and jump board. Emma was awesome! We are so proud of her!

Trinity is my biggest helper! She is having her first turn at feeding Millie. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She is feeling good and we are keeping on top of her labs, meds, and doctor visits. So far, so good. As we say around here, "no news is good news". We are hoping to get her off her prednisone soon and pumping her full of water to keep her creatnin levels down. Things are looking stable though, so that's good!


Brindy said...

I'd say you've been busy! :) It looks like you've had a crazy/fun month. It's always nice to get back into a schedule and get adjusted to the life with a new little baby. Glad things are going great for you guys!

. said...

Great pics. I'm glad you're getting your "groove" back!

Bugger said...

Ah Ha, I can see what your doing now!! hehe.. so I peeked in on you today. Cute blog. Very cute pictures!! C'ya later
or out the window.

The Chappell Family

My photo
I finally have the life of my dreams. I have the most amazing Husband and Kids! I have truly been blessed!




Youniverse Personality TestYouniverse Personality Test




Trinity- Ten Years Old!
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker


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Emma Belle

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Millie Dawn

Millie Dawn
Millie's First Christmas
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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